BLAHBLAHBLAH yes I am about to dis everyone’s favorite stores.

Let me start with the oh so disgustingly popular Urban. Yes Yes they have freakishly cute things like their hobbit shoes that everyone secretly loves, their cute Oxford shoes, their totally “in”/vintage-y dresses, and cool tights. But seriously can’t anyone see that Urban is just making you look stupid? SURE you look “hip” and “trendy” but all those weird labels set aside, the quality of Urban’s clothing is crap. Not to mention it’s way too expensive for what you’re paying. Okay, lets take UO oh so popular Mary Janes.

Okay, I’m not going to lie. I think they’re cute. But come on, $14? My Mother lived in Mexico all her life until she had me. She told me that she wore these shoes as a child because they were super cheap. They are super cheap because they are Chinese. So that means they probably cost a peso in Mexico which means in American Dollars that’s about 78 cents.

Now I realize that Anthropologie and Urban are sister stores but I want people to start thinking about the QUALITY of their clothing. Anthroplogie is OBVIOUSLY better quality clothing. So if you’re going to spend lots of money, don’t do it at Urban.

You know what else is a shitty place to shop? That crap is worse than Urban. Not only is it expensive, it looks like shit online too. At least Urban has the ability to make their clothing look nice on their online store. This dress is obviously a piece of shit. It looks like it was made out of cheap table cloth material. $42.99 for this? Yeah right. Oh and isn’t it the most unoriginal thing you’ve ever seen?

This thing is the most expensive top on the site. $137.99 for an unflattering oddly shaped piece of cotton. It looks nice and silky but it’s just cotton. If I wanted a cotton poncho that made me look pregnant, I would’ve just cut up a t-shirt.

I just want everyone to think about the quality of their clothing! The material! The finishing! Don’t settle for badly made clothing because it looks nice. Spend your money on something that was well crafted and thought of carefully.

Ugh, I’m done complaining I guess.


Filed under Fibers, Personal, Uncategorized, Unproductivity


  1. kenneth winterschladen

    I agree. UO is for the most part a piece of shit… but i feel like a hippocrate because i end up shopping there sometimes… fuck not having good thrift stores in annapolis

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