Category Archives: Inspiration

The Little Girl Giant

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Filed under Discoveries, Inspiration


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Filed under Animals, Discoveries, Inspiration

Forrest Kline

The love of my life numero uno.

my dream man.

despite my jealousy, i love that he is happy with his gal.

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Filed under Inspiration, Personal, Unproductivity, Want

Long Time No Post

Sorry, I’ve been sad tomato.

My eyes hurt too much yesterday to look at the computer screen long.

I’m just going to post some cool stuff that inspires me lately.

Mi abuelita y mi tia

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Filed under Discoveries, Fibers, Inspiration

I’m a little sad

So, I don’t feel like doing an artist of the day.

But, Lola and I came up with a plot for our new stop motion.

Here’s something interesting and inspiring:

I’ve only watched half of it, but it’s good so far.

Okay, bye.

Sorry I suck today.

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Filed under Discoveries, Inspiration, Personal, Unproductivity

Barry E. Wilson

Mr. Wilson is my printmaking teacher and someone I look up to. He deserves way more respect than he receives. I don’t think people realize that he IS an artist and he knows what he’s talking about. So everyone needs to grow up and take Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Hogue, Mr. Tran, Mrs. Walcavich, and Mrs. Lynch seriously.

Anyway, most of Mr. Wilson’s pieces are beautiful multi-colored relief prints that fit into 3 main themes: Animals & Flowers, “Deluxe Merchandise,” and “Blue Jay Opuscule.”  He has been teaching at Douglas Anderson School of the Arts for the past 17 years and has been inspiring me as an artist for the past 3 years and will continue to do so for the rest of my life.

Heres a link to Mr. Wilson’s Website:

Artist of the Day!

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Filed under Artist of the Day, Inspiration

Sally Mann

Thought I’d use a photographer today


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Filed under Artist of the Day, Inspiration

My Building


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Filed under Fibers, Inspiration, Mica, Personal, Want

Gustav Klimt




second favorite


I think I saw Gustav Klimt references in an anime that I’ve watched called Elfen Lied.

Yes, I did:

Elfen-Lied-4Which, by the way, is one of the craziest anime series I have ever watched. Setting aside all the awesome gore, the awesome Gustav Klimt inspired intro gets me so excited. I feel bad for all the people who don’t know the connection.

Any who, Klimt has been on my mind all day so I thought I’d share it.


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Filed under Artist of the Day, Discoveries, Inspiration

Just in case you didn’t know

who Jimmy joe roche was, here’s a reminder of how awesome this guy is:Picture 7

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Filed under Discoveries, Inspiration, Personal