Just in case you didn’t know

who Jimmy joe roche was, here’s a reminder of how awesome this guy is:Picture 7

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Filed under Discoveries, Inspiration, Personal

Joyeux Anniversaire Claude Monet!

I could NOT find my cat this morning. It made me really nervous because he’s almost 18 (human) years old and I read that when cats are about to die they hide. So, naturally I freaked out. Turns out he was hiding in my closet napping.

Any hoo, there’s supposed to be a party at my house this weekend… Guess who’s not excited? Me!

Well, I’m about to do some printmaking sketchbook pages and here are some of my inspirations:


Mary Cassatt






Claude Monet


It says Gustav Klimt but it's hard for me to believe that.

Obviously I love 19th century art.

I’ve Just decided that I want to have artist of the day posts. DROOL.

Au revoir

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Filed under Animals, Inspiration, Personal


  • Why was The Tale of Despereaux violent and filled with cat abuse?

poor kitty

  • WHY do I not own this:

Picture 3

  • Or this?

Picture 5

  • and why, may I ask, is everything that I want in Anthropologie $118 and up?
  • Why was I born in this era and not this one:


  • and why aren’t I middle aged woman who’s happily married with nice wallpaper?

1940s j and e

  • last but not least, why don’t I have awesome hair like this woman?


Oh, I know why. It’s just because.

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Filed under Discoveries, Inspiration, Personal, Want


I think I’ve finally got this WordPress blog down. I think.

I can finally talk about myself or something.

So! Blah, blah, blah… I’m a senior visual art student and our big New York Portfolio Day was this weekend. Guess who didn’t go: ME. Thus, I am a cranky, crampy, bitch. More so than usual. I even skipped school today to avoid the loneliness.


This week wasn’t that bad though.

No one ever comes to my house, I always go to theirs, but this week TWO of my friends came to my house. It was really weird, in a good way. My house was referred to as a dark Mexican restaurant. We are Mexican and I’m pretty sure my Mom is a vampire. My Mom even made tacos, it was quite fitting.

Towards the end of the week however, I had the worst cramps I’ve ever had the displeasure to endure. And you know how when you find a certain position, the pain usually goes away but it just happens to be a really awkward contortionist gesture? Yeah, story of my life third period(ha).

third period

On a lighter note I made a painting that, I think, captures my essence. Especially this time of month.

Photo 122

Okay, I think this is a pretty large post of goods.

Au revoir

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Filed under My Art, Personal